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Friday, October 03, 2008

Did you hear of Holistic Remedies

Holistic RemediesHypnosis to Reduce Stress for More Success, Happiness-Joy and Better Health the Rest of your Life

The biological definition of stress is ?An organism?s reaction to change.? This definition is most appropriate in this time and place as well. Change is coming at us fast and furiously and we as a culture are becoming more and more addicted to it.

In 1973, University of Washington researchers, Holmes and Rahe, devised a test by which they could predict impending diseases with a startling accuracy, based on stressors present in the lives of those taking the test. The stressors presented in the test seem benign compared to those present today. Is it any wonder that new diseases are attacking our bodies? Or that road rage is rampant?
It is not the amount of stress you have in your life; its how you choose to handle it. Stress may not be optional, but being stressed out is.

Among the many types of stress we experience are time stresses, relationship stresses, career stresses and child/parent stresses to name just a few.

There are several ways to diminish these stresses and most of them take just a few moments.

Albert Einstein postulated that time is relative. What that means, very simply, is that sometimes it seems to fly by?generally when we?re having fun or under a deadline. And sometimes time seems to crawl?usually when we?re doing things we don?t want to do or when we?re bored.

One easy way to reduce the stress in your life is to slow down. This may seem contradictory as we usually think we need to speed up to accomplish all we must do. But slowing down makes time slow down (or seem like it) and you can accomplish so much more in a short amount of ?slow time.?

One way to practice slowing down is to drive the speed limit and not exceed it. Be sure you are not in the far right lane on the freeway when you do this. You will find that you still get where you need to be on time and you had a more relaxing time doing it. Play classical music or turn your radio off while driving. The news and rock music do not support stress reduction.

Fatigue can also produce stress and a primary cause of fatigue is dehydration. Drink more water and you?ll be more energized.

Stress produces adrenaline in your body, which can be toxic to your organs. The best way to eliminate adrenaline is through large muscle activity, which metabolizes adrenaline. Go for a walk to reduce the physical symptoms of stress.

Worry produces a significant amount of stress in our lives. A study was conducted several years ago on worry and it was found that only 7% of what we worry about ever even happens! A good way to decrease your worry time is to simply ask yourself a question when you notice yourself worrying about something: ?Can I do anything about this??

If the answer is ?yes?, then do it. If the answer is ?no?, then stop fretting over something over which you have no control. This might take some practice. Often worry is such an ingrained part of us, we don?t even realize how much time we spend doing it. Being more conscious of your thoughts will help.

Relationship stress can be tricky. Often what stresses us the most in our relationships are those qualities which attracted us to the other person in the first place. At other times, we become stressed over a partner?s behavior and that person is often acting as our ?mirror? and reflecting back to us traits and behaviors that we?re not willing to look at within ourselves. Avoid playing the ?all or nothing? game with partners. That game sounds like, ?You always do this? or ?You never do that.? That game makes you a victim and being a victim is very stressful.

Other tools to help you reduce stress are:

Spend some time with a child you like and play with him/her. Just for those few moments, there is nothing more important in your life than being present with that child.

If you volunteer too much, cut back. If you never volunteer, try it.

Rent a funny video or DVD. Laughing is a great stress reducer.

Get a pet. Studies show that those with a pet they love live longer, more contented lives
Play music from a great time in your life. Research shows that when you reminisce, your vital functions are the same as when you were actually that age.

Reduce your coffee consumption. Coffee is directly linked to anxiety.

Learn and play a sport.

Learn something new. It keeps your brain young and occupied on things other than your problems.

Learn how much sleep you need and get that amount. Nothing on TV is more important.

Eat healthy food more often. Refined, processed food doesn?t add much to the quality of your life.

Remember, whatever you are going through that produces stress in your life: This too shall pass. Try not to take it all too seriously.

Katie Evans is the founder and CEO of the Living Lite Weight Loss Program, which shows people HOW to create a healthier lifestyle. When you use hypnosis and the incredible power of your subconscious mind, you will never diet again, you will simply learn how to create a new relationship with food.
For those who wish to make a living helping people heal their lives so they can lose weight and keep it off, there are now Living Lite Licenses available. Only 15 more are being offered at the low investment of $4997. This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to own her own business (we accept men licensees, too!) and still have support and guidance in setting up the systems.
Ms. Evans is a published author, lecturer and entrepreneur. She also teaches "The Mental Game of Golf" on cruise ships.

If you file 1040 EZ or 1040, for only $8.95, you can file online at You can reach Katie through

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